David G. : I was a bit scepticle about an actual method of calling up creativity on-demand. Interestingly, I had a database software problem that to my knowledge was unsolveable. Getting all the banks on the Pacific Rim to talk to each other. EJ gave a seminar to a bunch of us engineers at Oracle and I woke up at 4AM a couple of days later after dreaming of a solution (which amazingly worked). I still reread his book to refresh myself and it continues to work for me. It is amazing!
Eddy L : Your book is incredible. It opened my mind to the whole possibility of being creative in so many things.
Johnny N. : I told you up-front that I am not creative at all. You did a seminar for my company and suddenly, I am creative. It is unbelievable.
Terry T. : Your videos were eye opening. Suddenly, by tapping in to the analogic methods that you discussed, I am suddenly creative with humorous adlibs. I have never been so creative. Thanks!
Jorge L. : I write books and screenplays for Hollywood production companies and once in a while I used to get writers block which I frustrtingly call writer’s dementia. I would just run into a mental roadlock and cannot think of where to go with the script or book. Since attending your seminar and reading your book, my dementia is gone. Thank you very much. Happy to give my opinion of the book. It is a “Must Read”.